An Nahw Al Wadih Pdf Free

The definition of Nahw or 'Arabic syntax, each chapter lays a foundation for another ± chapter until the reader, in the end, has been thoroughly exposed to the underlying fundamentals of 'Arabic syntax. As a book, al-Hidayah is somewhat of a mystery. Although it has been used as a text-book −. An Nahw Al Wadih Pdf. During the course of our revision and editing, we consulted various grammar works including al-Nahw al-Wadih, Sharh ibn ‘Aqeel. Voltcraft Vc 960 Software Download. This is one of the clasical works written on the Arabic grammar or Nahw.

Download Tarikh Adab Al-lughah Al-'Arabi-yah - Jirji Zaydan on

Excellent & NEW & FREE: Learn Arabic Online - Free Arabic Course and materialsApr 4, '10 3:03 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

Aug 21, 2012 - Editor: Ahmad al-Qadiri. FREE - Excellent List of Ar. Books on beginning, Nahw, & Sarf. Al-Nahw al-Wadih - beginners (pdf) [1.1] [1.2] [1.3].

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  • Al-Nahw al-Wadih – a partial translation of it available here Do not cross over to the next stage until you have achieved at least 80% or so fluency. Ask around for additional resources for practice.
  • Al-Nahw al-wadih (The Clear Arabic Grammar), Primary Level, Part One, Page 2 of 11 3 LESSON 3: CLASSIFICATION OF THE VERB WITH REGARD TO ITS TIME- PERIOD 3.1 THE FI L MADI (PAST TENSE) 1. The man stopped. The book became lost (went missing). The clock chimed. The hen laid (an) egg(s).
An nahw al wadih pdf free download
  • Welcome to the updated website at - one of the most comprehensive Free Arabic Courses online.
  • We have released many new features including new lessons for the Arabic Language Course, Flashcard applications, interactive questions and much more.
  • We are also planning on releasing a tuition centre where we will be offering 1 to 1 tuition with native teachers.

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Welcome to – this website is a dedicated free resource to students seeking to learn Arabic – beginner to advanced level.
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  • Bookstore – You can order any materials that you require – we stock a fairly comprehensive set of Arabic Language Books.
  • Interactive Questions including multiple choice, virtual Arabic keyboard and many other question types to test your understanding throughout lessons.
  • Many more features and tools to help learn the language (already listed in the news section).

Tags:classes, learn arabic, grammar, books, print, download, words

An Nahw Al Wadih Pdf Free Printable

Ajaroomiyyah Eng & ArabicMar 31, '10 1:09 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Tags:& mp3 audios, grammar, grammarbooks, aljaromiyah, grammer!, books
Videos - 100 & 33 -- Most Used Phrases; Most Common ExpressionsMar 28, '10 7:00 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Tags:videos, expressions, memorize, watch, vocabularies, praise, learn
Here are three tips to help you learn Arabic:Mar 28, '10 6:38 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
The idea of learning Arabic can be overwhelming – after all, how are you supposed to make sense of all those squiggly little letters? If you’re struggling to get started, consider the following tips on learning Arabic.
Learning Arabic isn’t something you can do easily or overnight – it takes time, dedication, and a desire to learn to succeed with this difficult language. While there are many people that learn Arabic more quickly than others, you’ll want to work at your own pace. If you attempt to rush through your Arabic instruction, you simply will not be able to comprehend this language.
  1. Use a systematic curriculum. One of the best ways to learn Arabic is to study the language through a structured, systematic curriculum. You can find many of these courses in learning Arabic online or in your local bookstore. Online courses are a great option, as they offer you the scheduling versatility that many people with busy lives need. Other offline courses may offer CDs that you can use while traveling your car, while others come with textbooks and exercises to help you learn. Still others come with flashcards and learning tools that work for everyone – from children to adults.
    These are all terrific ways to learn Arabic, especially when combined together. In addition, most community colleges and community enrichment programs offer classes that you can attend with other students, which can be a great way for you to practice your accent and pronunciation. However, you may also find that you do better with a tutor for one-on-one instruction – especially if you feel nervous or shy practicing Arabic in front of other people.

  2. Immersion into the Arabic culture. Many people feel this is the best way to learn the Arabic language, since students who learn via immersion are surrounded by the language on a daily basis. This is also a good way to learn some of the slang phrases and expressions that are common in any language – you can bet you won’t find all of these in an at-home CD study guide!
    While immersion isn’t for everyone, it can be a terrific learning experience for those yearning to learn about the culture, as well as the language. If you plan on traveling to a country that speaks Arabic, you’ll be surprised how at quickly you pick up new phrases, just by listening to others speak.

  3. The most important tip for learning Arabic is to dedicate yourself to learning. Because Arabic is very different from English or the Romance Languages, you need to set aside time each day to study. Try to concentrate on learning two or three new Arabic words daily, and work on pronouns at first because there are many variables to these words. You’ll also need to practice writing out the Arabic alphabet. Learning to read Arabic script can be difficult, since you’ll need to train yourself to read from right to left and to pick out changing shapes from the cursive script. There are also many letters in the Arabic language that look very similar to each other, adding to your confusion. However, if you dedicate yourself to learning a few letters each day, you’ll find that your understanding of the written Arabic language comes together faster than you think.
Tags:classes, tips, grammar, fatwaibnbaa, grammarbooks, dictionaries, grammer!, books
my learning of Arabic.Mar 28, '10 2:14 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

sis. this is what i could say.
after the summer of 2007, i took an Arabic class in my college - it was 1 and half year of college classes - 3 courses on Arabic learning the basics of Arabic and learning some words alhamdulillah. this book:
it is a book on very basics of the Arabic, then in summer 2008, i finished madinah book 1 and 2 with their audios found online, alhamdulillah.
after i finished college terms, in fall of 2008, in winter 2009, i did half of the book of book 2 of alkitaab on my own. alhamdulillah.
and then in the summer of 2009, i finished madinah 3 books with the DVDs found online alhamdulillah.
and then after summer i did book 3 again and few chapters of book 2 of madinah book and then other books and the albaseerah class that i did with you.
and for Arabic reading, i mostly used to read fatawa of shaykh ibn bazz since spring of 2009, and try to translate them and i had Arabic books that i try to read but i used read more fatwa of shaykh ibn bazz online, short ones and try to translate and other works online and offline.
i actually did not try to go over the Qur'an word for word nor did i try to translate Qur'an word for word, that i never did. however when i came across ayat of qur'an in the fatawa i could understand and when i knew what the aya meant i could extract its correct translation from the Noble Qur'an based on the citation given in the fatwa. alhamdulillah.
and there are several English books on Arabic Grammar i read and i found them helpful a lot alhamdulillah.
and i used to listen to Arabic Lectures of the lectures.
and my suggestion would be try to read a lot of Arabic as much as possible for you, i would try to read short text, not big ones, so start with small works, like several lines in a paragraph. and also short books for kids. you can buy some from and also from - i bought from here as there is no faces in these books and they are islamic alhamdulillah. very beneficial books. alhamdulillah.
and also listen to Arabic lectures of the scholars, listen to one many times. and also keep up the study, finish madinah books with its audio and video lessons found online inshaaAllah and also try to go over other beneficial learning books of grammar of arabic and reading skill.
you have to go over a lot of materials and of course keep up making dua to Allah. inshaaAllah.
and may Allah guide us and grant us what will benefit us in our affairs of the Deen, Duniyah and Akhira. ameen.
Back in Stock @ - the Arabic Learning Books.Mar 28, '10 12:20 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

Al-Mu'jaam Al-WaseetVarious Authors
Al-I'raab an Qawaai'd Al-I'raabAl-Ansaree
Tuhfatu As-Siniya in Q & AIbn Murshad
Exp. Alfiya bin Malik (Al-Uthaymeen)Al-Uthaymeen

Tags:& mp3 audios, grammar, grammarbooks, aljaromiyah, grammer!, books
DO NOT say *Mabruk' BUT say 'Mubaarak' BECAUSEMar 27, '10 12:24 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
DO NOT say *Mabruk' BUT say 'Mubaarak' BECAUSEMar 27, '10 12:23 PM
for everyone
bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
asalamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu
Since i finished the book explanation of three fundamental principles by Shaykh Ubayd al-Jabere, i was thinking of sharing this information but Allahul Musta'an, i wasn't able to. But today saying this word, 'mabruk' again, i remembered of it so i thought i should finally write it.
anyone with little Arabic Grammar knowledge will realize what is going on in here. Everyone learning Arabic or knowing Arabic, knows Arabic words go back to three root letters and the meaning of the word changes with the edition of letters to those root letters.
so now you have these 3 root letters: ب - ر - ك - and from these root letters comes two words, one is: # 1 بَرَكَ [baraka] - and another is # 2 بارك [baaraka] - and the first word means: to kneel down, and the second word means: to bless, now there is something in Arabic that is called, اسم المفعول - which is the thing that is acted upon, for example: from the word: شرب [sariba] - to drink - you have a اسم الفاعل - the doer of the action which is شارب [saareb] - the one who drunk, and you have a اسم المفعول - - [masrub] مشروب the drink that has been drunk.

so from these two words: برك - & بارك - you have two اسم المفعول -
from # 1: مبروك </- Mabruk - /> - the one who has been knelt down on
from # 2:
مبارك - the one who has been blessed

SO you see what you are saying when you say 'mabruk' to your friend in Arabic thinking you are saying in a shorter way, congratulation in Arabic, maashaaAllah. what is even more sad is that those who knows Arabic and its Grammar say this word as well thinking the same and it is the Arabs that teaches it as well maashaaAllah.
and someone i just saw wrote this 'mabruk' in this form: ma'bruk - what does this word mean i have no idea, usually ' is used to point that there is ع in the word, but there is NO ع whatsoever in these root letters nor in its derived form.

May Allah grant us beneficial knowledge and righteous actions. i thought i should share this. because i would like everyone to say - Mubaarak to me than to say that they knelt down on me. subhan Allah. 'smile'.

Jazakum Allahu khayran
was-salamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu

The Muslim is Concerned About the Cleanliness - Chap. 10. Lesson 55 - Dialog # 1Mar 27, '10 12:56 AM
by Nasrin for everyone

The Muslim is Concerned About the Cleanliness - Chap. 10. Lesson 55 - Dialog # 1
Courses offered On Al-kitab al-asasi books..Mar 25, '10 6:59 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
i do not know this site, just found - so i do not know the people either.. so if you wish to take classes TO LEARN arabic up to you to decide. it is UK Based as well. teaches online also

Al-Kitab al-Asasi [Volume 1]

Subject covered: The airport, eating out, at the hotel, at the bank, literature, visiting the doctor, family life, at the post-office, time, at the market, how to read an Arabic newspaper, the four seasons, renting a flat.
Al-Kitab al-Asasi [Volume 2]
Subjects covered: the Middle-East on the map, systems of government, Arabic poetry, using an Arabic dictionary. Arabic calligraphy, current affairs, writing a letter, Arabic proverbs, contemporary discussions, Arabic theatre. Focus on Arab culture, politics and media.
Al-Kitab al-Asasi [Volume 3]
Subjects covered: Arabic literature and poetry (Abu Hatim al-Razi, al-Ma'rri), Tafsir (Ibn Kathir), Fiqh (Qadi Abu Yusuf), History (Ibn Batuta), early Islamic pedagogy (Ibn Sahnun), Philosophy (Ibn Tufayl).
Tags:& mp3 audios, grammar, grammarbooks, aljaromiyah, grammer!, books
Sarf Book: Sharh al-Kafiyah al-ShafiyahMar 25, '10 5:55 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

Title: Sharh al-Kafiyah al-Shafiyah
Author: Ibn Malik
Editor: Ahmad al-Qadiri
Binding: Hardcover. 2 vols. set. 650 page
Publisher: Dar Sader: Lebanon

FREE - Excellent List of Ar. books on beginning, Nahw, & Sarf & balagah and more.Mar 25, '10 5:46 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

Love of the Arab (by Gibril F. Hadad) [pdf]

Arabic for beginners
Madina books:
Book 1 (pdf) w/ English explanations - Key (pdf) and answers to excercises (audio)
Book 2 (pdf)
Book 3 (pdf)
al-Kitab al-Asasi, part 1,(pdf)
Matn: [point-by-point note-book, pdf] [html]
Ibn 'Ajiba: al-Khalasa - Sharh 'ala al-Ajurumiyya (scanned pdf)
Umar AbdAllah Kamil: Modern Sharh (pdf) part [1][2][3][4]
متن الآجرومية
قد تمتع متن الآجرومية بذيوع عظيم بين طلبة علوم العربية، فهو يعد أشهر متن للمبتدئين في علم النحو، حتى أنه لم يشتهر من تصانيفه غيره. ويدل علىشتهاره وانتشاره تواتر العلماء على شرحه ودرسه ما بين شارح ومحش وناظم.
ما بين ناقد له ومتعصب
al-Jurjani: Al-Jumal fi al-Nahw [doc, 19 pages]
Qatar al-Nida [doc]
Alfiyya Ibn Malik Matn: [scanned pdf] , [mp3 Part 1][Part 2]
Al-Durus al-Nahawiyya (pdf) [1] [2] [3] [part 1 in English - doc]
Al-Nahw al-Wadih - beginners (pdf) [1.1][1.2][1.3]
Al-Nahw al-Wadih - secondary (doc) [2.1] [[2.2][3.3]
Arabic grammar - Sarf (morphology)

Didctic poem:

Summary in English
Al-Balagha al-Wadiha ma'a al-Hulul

Selection of brief text in Arabic -- tbd --

Ibn l-Jinni: Al-Khasa'is - الحصائس لابن الحني - Intro - Book (doc)
al-Zamakhshari: al-Faiq fi Gharib al-Hadith wa'l-Athar -
الفائق في غريب الحديث والأثار للزمخشري - Book (doc)
Imam al-Suyuti: al-Muzhir fi Ulum al-Lugha -
المزهر في علوم اللغة وأنواعها, للإمام السيوطي
- Book (doc)

Grammar Dictionary - المعجم الوافي في آدات النحو العربيي -
(scanned pdf)
al-Isfahani: Mufradat Alfadh al-Qur'an -
مفردات ألفاظ القرآن للأصفهاني - part 1 , part 2 (doc)
al-Jazari: Al-Nihaya fi Gharib al-Hadith wa'l-Athar -
النهاية لث غريب الخديث والآثار للجزري - (doc) part [1][2][3][4][5]

Tags:& mp3 audios, grammar, grammarbooks, aljaromiyah, grammer!, books
Mughni Al Labib An Kitab Al A'aarib مغنى اللبيب عن كتب الاعاريبMar 25, '10 5:39 PM
by Nasrin for everyone


By: Jamal Al Din Ibn Hisham Ansari
872 pp
Al Makataba Al Assrya, 2005
17 x 24cm
Language Study - Arabic
اتفق علماء العربية على أن علم النحو هو قانون العلوم العربية، الذي ترجع إليه في جلّ مسائلها، وهو العلم الذي لا يستقل أي علم من علوم العربية بنفسه عنه أو يستغني عن معونته. ويعدّ الإمام عبد الله جمال الدين يوسف بن هشام المولود في مصر والمتوفى سنة (761هـ) من أئمة العربية؛ فقد قال عنه العلامة ابن خلدون: 'ما زلنا ونحن بالمغرب نسمع أنه ظهر بمصر عالم بالعربية يقال له ابن هشام أنحى من سيبويه' وقد أثرى هذا العالم الكبير المكتبة العربية بمصنفات في النحو والفقه والأدب والتفسير واللغة وغيرها، فما من دارس للنحو إلا ويعلم قدر هذا العالم وفضله، ويعدّ كتاب 'مغني اللبيب عن كتب الأعاريب للعلامة ابن هشام' إسهاماً فريداً غير مسبوق لعلم النحو، لم يسبقه إلى التأليف على منواله أحد، وقد أصبح هذا الكتاب منذ ألفه مؤلفه مرجعاً أساسياً من المراجع المهمة لكل دارس للنحو وفروع العربية. حتى قال عنه ابن خلدون: 'وصل إلينا بالمغرب لهذه العصور ديوان من مصر منسوب إلى جمال الدين بن هشام، استوفى فيه أحكام الإعراب مجملة ومفصلة وتكلم على الحروف والمفردات والجمل، وحذف ما في الصناعة منا لمتكرر في أكثر أبوابها، وسماه بـ'المغني في الإعراب..' فوقفنا منه على علم جمٍّ يشهد بعلوِّ قدره في الصناعة'.
A comprehensive book on Arabic language study by Ibn Hisham.
Tags:classes, fatwaibnbaa, grammarbooks, grammer!, books, mugni, grammar, dictionaries
Al Munsif: Sharh Al Kitabi Al Tasrif المنصف شرح كتاب التصريفMar 25, '10 5:36 PM
by Nasrin for everyone


By: Abi Uthman Al Mazini Al Basri
704 pp
Dar Al Kotob Al Ilmiyah, 1999
17 x 24cm
Language Study - Arabic
وضع المازني كتابه ' التصريف ' في فن الصرف وهو ' من أنفس كتب التصريف وأسدها وأرصنها ' عريق في الإيجاز والإختصار، عار من الحشو والإكثار، متخلص من الكزازة واليبس، مرتفع عن التخليط، كثير المعاني، كما وصفه ابن جني ولما كان الكتاب كذلك شرحه ابن جني فهو يورد قول المازني مصدرا بـ : قال أبو عثمان، ثم يورد شرحه مصدرا بـ : قال أبو الفتح . وقد تكلم في كتاب الأسماء والأفعال، حروف الزيادة ،القياس على الصحيح، الواو والياء اللتان هما فاءان، الواو والياء اللتان هما عينان القلب، التكسير، التضعيف، وختم بتفسير كلمات غريبة، وإفادة مسائل.
Al Munsif: Sharh Abi Al Fath Uthman ibn Jinni li Kitab Al Tasrif li Abi Uthman Al Mazini Al Basri
Shadha Al Arf Fi Fin Al Sarf شذا العرف في فن الصرفMar 25, '10 5:35 PM
by Nasrin for everyone


By: Ahmad Al Hamlawi
160 pp
Dar Al Kitab Al Arabi, 2006
17 x 24cm
Language Study - Literature - Arabic
تعتمد البلاغة في أسمى صورها, وأعلى منازلها اعتماداً كبيراً على فصاحة الكلمة, وسلامة التراكيب التي أساسها الكلمة, من هنا تظهر أهمية علم الصرف الذي يعنى ببنية الكلمة. من هذا المنطلق أدرك علماء العربية أهمية هذا العلم, فعنوا به عناية كبيرة, فأفردوه بالكتابة والتأليف, ومنه هذا الكتاب لما فيه من الفوائد العلمية, والقواعد النظرية, والأمثلة التطبيقية. فقد اتبط علم الصرف في نشأته وتطوره بعلم (النحو) بوصفهما ركنين أساسيين في علوم اللغة العربية, وكانت مسائل التصريف تأتي في إطار ما أطلق عليه (علم النحو) وكان المقصود منها علاج اللحن الذي قد ينتاب بنية الكلمات العربية آن ذاك, فما انتظم عقد علم إلا والصرف واسطته, ولا ارتفع مناره إلا وهو قاعدته, إذ هو إحدى دعائم الأدب, وبه تعرف سعة كلام العرب, وتنجلي فرائد مفردات الآيات القرآنية, والأحاديث النبوية, وهما الواسطة في الوصول الى السعادة الدينية والدنيوية.
Shadha custom in the art of exchange; Arabic language and literature study; 2 color text.
The critical stage of my ARabic Learning..Mar 24, '10 2:11 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
I want to share so maybe it will help me find my solutions and/or maybe some of you will be willing to share some of your thoughts that will help me as well inshaaAllah.
I am like in the tough stage of my Arabic Learning, Alhamdulillah i do believe i am good with my Arabic Grammar, the grammar of Aljaromiyah inshaaAllah, though i may need some more review of the last lessons of aljaromiyah to be better at those end lessons of aljaromiyah.
The only obstacles on my way is the VOCABULARIES, the new words stand like the mountains on my way to move up and advance ahead. maaShaaAllah. Alhamdulillah. I have been looking for a while to find a sister to help me on this, in going over Al-arabiyah bayna yadayk vol 2 and 3.
I know 2 sisters, who are really good at Fusha Arabic but one is too busy to even give 15 or 30 min or any help, and another one doesn't even show any sign of interest of help, neither did i ask more than once.
and i found a sister, who maashaaAllah at first ask was like YES i can study vocabularies with you, then she was avoiding me, and i wasn't going to bother. but what bothered me is that she said YES, YES, YES maashaaAllah and she wasn't keeping her words, it was like she was playing around with me and lying to me. subhan Allah.
you won't help, that is perfectly fine with me, but there is no need to lie or play around with people. may Allah guide us Muslims to honesty and make us trustworthy ameen.
another sister she said yes, she will help and then she got scared thinking that i was making it like course, where she has to come online and we will use wiziq site and use voice chat to go over etc.
another sister said she will help at a night, but i changed my mind of studying with her because she was like she is very busy with school works etc, and i don't like people keep complaining while they are helping, it is just so horrible, i won't bother concentrate on my study. it is like someone feeding me sweet at one hand and on the other they are feeding me bitter stuffs or cutting me.
but anyway, i haven't seen her at that time in the college again. i left one week and other week i didn't see her.
and finally, found a teacher who charges like $10 dollars per hour and then she reduced it for me, but as i was reading vol. 2 chapters, in each reading there are like 2 or 3 or at most 6 or so words i don't know. if i knew the meaning of these words, i could understand full reading text without problem.
Because i cannot afford all that paying, i was trying to read and find the hardest text and keep that only to go over with the tutor, and it came at the end to be ONLY ONE TEXT which i took less care to read in each chapter to go over with the teacher and rest reading i could do on my own with dictionary checking.
i was like i must be TOO LAZY that i am looking for an easy way out, and our Salaf used to work so hard in seeking knowledge. like 3 years ago, i was searching to buy a electronic dictionary so it will be easy to find words, but it was very expensive for a good one with a lot of words in them. so i was asking if anyone used and found them beneficial but no one seemed to use them.
so i asked our salafi duat who learned arabic as well for advice in buying dictionary, he was like do not buy those electronic dictionary as they do not give any grammar info but just simply translate which is good for visitors to arab countries or arabs to non-arab countries and he directed me to buy Hans Wehr. so i got that alhamdulillah and he said that i should learn looking through dictionary working hard like our salaf did in the past. maashaaAllah.
alhamdulillah i bought hens wehr, mujam alwasit, and i have a dictionary with alarabiyah byana yadayk book [ar-ar] and glossary with madinah book. alhamdulillah. but subhan Allah, may Allah guide me, i don't like using dictionaries too much. i just like look to find easy way out instead of looking into dictionaries.
so i use context to understand words a lot alhamdulillah and it helps. also, learning new word LISTs is like another tough matter to me. subhan Allah.
i started a set of books full arabic, after few chapters i stopped because i had to like look up almost half the chapter's words in the dictionary. then i started another set of books, i finished 2 vols out of 4 without problem alhamdulillah. it was super easy but the last 2 or 3 chapters of the vol 2 had long list of words i couldn't stand memorizing them. i did best to finish the exercises. alhamdulillah.
i started vol 3, now matter became tough, there are like 5 pages long or 4 pages long new words list, and then exercises based on them, i didn't know what to do, i had to stop.
then i started another audio set with a grammar book, it is ok but shaykh didn't go over words meaning so i cannot do exercises but i still read chapters alhamdulillah and understand it good enough. and i was doing another book, which was easy until the end of first part and second part's 2nd's chapter now looks tough with new words.
NOW i am LOST, what should i do, how should i go about, what is the method i should employ to move ahead and advance ahead.
i don't like English books on Arabic Grammar, it is just no fun anymore when they translate Arabic grammar term with english grammar terms. i don't know english grammar that deep. and those words are HARD maashaaAllah.
NOw it feels like i have a HUGE MOUNTAIN on my way and i need to find a way to crash it and move ahead and advance ahead, to crash a mountain i need some strength right, i have to spend some energy and work HARD..
So perhaps, got to sit down and figure a best way to use dictionary so it will take less time while i benefit and learn a great deal inshaaAllah.
i read 5 chapters of vol 2 of alarabiyah byana yadayk, just reading and listing new words and look them up. it was good, didn't seem to take that long time. so perhaps i should read a text first and then list new words and look them up and then read again and do exercises. inshaaAllah.
But Looks tough, but i hope Allah makes it easy for me inshaaAllah. i don't want to take that class paying money for my laziness and it is over online for an hour and time waste away with clicking more than benefiting, if it was face to face then there would be more benefit inshaaAllah.
and i sold away the electronic dictionary i bought, i didn't find it so helpful and it was costly for me compare to the benefit i get from it. so alhamdulillah.
i can save the money and buy some beneficial books to benefit and use the dictionaries i already have to learn inshaaAllah.
Right inshaaAllah. may Allah make it easy on us and grant us tawpiq and guide us to the best and easy way to learn Arabic to Learn His Noble Deen al-Islam. ameen
- also memorizing beneficial books and ahadeeth and Qur'an helps learn arabic much as well. Alhamdulillah. i was doing a book and i learn some new words from it alhamdulillah and some from ahadeeth too. alhamdulillah.
and the hadith book that i am doing it has new words definition with simple arabic words, i was very happy to see that alhamdulillah. and the book i was doing, it has english translation so i can check the new words meaning in translation to know its meaning alhamdulillah.
May Allah be in our Aid ameen.
Excuse my typos.
Book Review: 40 Hadeeth to teach the Arabic LanguageMar 22, '10 2:06 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

Book Review: 40 Hadeeth to teach the Arabic Language

أَرْبَعُونَ حَدِيْثًا لِتَعْلِيْمِ اللُّغَةِ العَرَبِيَّةِ وَ التَّرْبِيَّةِ النَّبَوِيَّةِ
{40 Hadeeth to teach the Arabic Language and the Prophetic Methodology}
By: Dr. Fouad ‘Abdur-RaheemPublished by: UK Islamic AcademyPages: 356, hardback
First I would like to thank my dear brother Aboo Dhikr ‘Abdus-Shakoor (al-Hujjah Publications) and his wife Umm Kutubah (Umm Kutubah’s Salafee Books) (hafithahumaallah) for sending me a free copy of this extremely beneficial book, may Allah reward them for their generosity and may He increase them in Knowledge, Guidance and Sustenance.
Dr. Fouad ‘Abdur-Raheem (hafithahullah) put together the three Madeenah Books and the Musatweeyaat program (the 4 Levels taught to obtain the Arabic diploma) that is used to teach the Arabic language at the Islamic University of Madeenah, K.S.A. This book is based on that curriculum in its own hardcover binding.

It is broken into two levels; the first level consists of twenty short Ahadeeth along with an explanation of the words that occur in the prophetic narrations. These Ahadeeth are meant to be memorized and the language kept simple to facilitate a good understanding of what is studied.

The second level consists of twenty detailed texts used to further knowledge of an-Nahw, Sarf and comprehension of the Ahadeeth used.
Brothers and sisters you HAVE to get this book, it is beautiful, I love it and I can’t put it down! May Allah reward Dr. Fouad for this tremendous work and grant him the highest place in the Jannah for his efforts.
Tags:& mp3 audios, grammar, grammarbooks, aljaromiyah, grammer!, books
Mulhat-ul-'Iraab, - FREE ONLINE download.Mar 22, '10 2:04 PM
by Nasrin for everyone

Mulhat-ul-'Iraab, you can find it online. This one is really good:
As for the text itself in PDF (I love PDF form), but here is a link to download the text only:
Tags:classes, fatwaibnbaa, grammarbooks, grammer!, books, mugni, grammar, dictionaries
Learn Arabic, Speak ArabicMar 22, '10 12:05 AM
by Nasrin for everyone
One of the reported instructions ‘Umar wrote to Abû Mûsâ Al-Ash’arî and those under his governance during the former’s Caliphate was, “Seek knowledge and understanding of (fiqh) the Sunnah and seek knowledge and understanding of Arabic.”
Ibn Abî Shaybah, Al-Musannaf Vol.6 p126.
It is reported that he said, “Learn Arabic, for it strengthens the intelligence and increases one’s noble conduct (al-murû`ah).”
Al-Bayhaqî, Shu’ab Al-Îmân Vol.4 p187.
It is also reported that he said, “Do not learn the language of the non-Arabs, and do not enter upon them in their churches on their festivals, for indeed wrath descends upon them.”
‘Abd Al-Razzâq Al-San’ânî, Al-Musannaf Vol.1 p411.
It is also reported that he was once circumambulating the Ka’bah when he heard two men speaking in a language other than Arabic behind him. He turned to them and said, “Find some way to learn Arabic.”
‘Abd Al-Razzâq Al-San’ânî, Al-Musannaf Vol.5 p496.
It is reported that Ubay b. Ka’b – Allâh be pleased with him – said, “Learn Arabic just as you learn to memorize the Qurân.”
Ibn Abî Shaybah, Al-Musannaf Vol.7 p150.
It is reported that Ibn ‘Umar – Allâh be pleased with them – used to hit his children for making language errors.
Tahdhîb Al-Tahdhîb Vol.9 p292.
It is reported that Shu’bah – Allâh have mercy on him – said, “Learn Arabic, for it increases the intelligence.”
Tahdhîb Al-Tahdhîb Vol.4 p303.
It is reported that ‘Attâ b. Abî Rabâh – Allâh have mercy on him – said, “I wish I were fluent in Arabic,” when he was ninety years old.
Al-Dhahabî, Siyar A’lâm Al-Nubalâ`, in his biography of ‘Attâ b. Abî Rabâh.
It is reported that Ibn Shubrumah – Allâh have mercy on him – said, “Men have never worn a garment more beautiful than Arabic.”
Al-Bayhaqî, Shu’ab Al-Îmân Vol.4 p197.
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The Camping- 4th Dialog of 2nd Chapter of Alarabiya Bayna Yadayk Vol 2Mar 18, '10 1:08 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
i hope you all enjoy and learn some new words like me inshaaAllah..i love camping too..
The Camping- 4th Dialog of 2nd Chapter of Alarabiya Bayna Yadayk Vol 2
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Grammar made easy withMar 16, '10 5:58 PM
by Nasrin for everyone
Grammar made easy with
and exercies by Dr. Asraf Fahmy
This is the book that our teacher at albaseerah's Arabic Course wrote. It is a really nice easy and short book. He starts every single lesson explanation with examples and then breaks down and then gives you the rules behind the grammar and then gives you a lot of exercises. Alhamdulillah.
This is how he has been teaching us the grammar as well. He teaches in like 5 to 10 min a lot of advance grammar so easily alhamdulillah. Very easy to understand.
you see all charts in my blog of My Notes from Arabic Class - where i shared the notes from the classes - all charts were short lessons of maybe up to 15 min or sometimes maybe more because he goes of exercises and then asks students etc.
But Alhamdulillah very easy book. Insha-Allah i will be studying it very soon in full. Alhamdulillah.
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