Apple Configurator 2.7 Dmg

The Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) allows administrators to pre-provision iOS, iPadOS, and macOS devices to automatically self-enroll into Systems Manager before even touching them, and provides an additional level of management control through bulk device supervision. This greatly simplifies adding and deploying iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and tvOS devices with Automatic Device Enrollment into Meraki Systems Manager. This article will cover how to use the Apple Automatic Device Enrollment with System Manager.

For additional information on DEP, including how to qualify for the program, please review Apple's official deployment guide. Additional information can be found directly from Apple Business Manager portal or Apple School Manager portal.

  1. Use the Mojave/10.14 version to 'purchase' Configurator 2.8(.x) for Mojave while logged in as the user in question (with his/her Apple ID, or one that you will be managing). Then, on that user's computer running 10.13, log in to the App Store and click on Configuration 2 (as it will show up), and you'll be offered to download the last.
  2. Apple has released Apple Configurator 2.7, the latest version of the Mac utility that schools and businesses can use to manage and deploy software to multiple iOS and tvOS devices. The update enables you to skip the Setup Assistant panes in iOS 11.3 and tvOS 11.3.
  3. Create a Wi-Fi profile. Follow the below steps to create a Wi-Fi profile in Apple Configurator.

The following video also outlines an example DEP configuration and deployment through Systems Manager:

With the release of iOS 11, you can now add any iOS 11+ device into an existing DEP account through Apple Configurator, even if it was not purchased from Apple or an Apple reseller. For steps on how to do this, see this article.

Not to sound rude, but what the hell? All of the documentation for Apple Configurator 2 is specifically for MAC. Why would this question even come up? Purchase a newer / used Mac and download Apple Configurator 2.

Linking Systems Manager to Apple DEP

In order to use the Apple DEP with Systems Manager, a Systems Manager deployment must be linked to an organization within DEP. These steps assume an Apple ID for the organization has already been created, as outlined in the Device Enrollment Program Guide. You can also use Apple Business Manager portal or Apple School Manager portal for the same functionality.

  1. In Dashboard, create an EMM network for Systems Manager.
  2. Navigate to Organization > Configure > MDM, then scroll down to the Apple Device Enrollment Program section.
  3. Download the Meraki_Apple_DEP_cert.pem file provided.
    • If someone has downloaded the .pem file previously, and the server token has expired, click clear token in order to download the .pem file again.
  4. In another browser window, go to the Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager portal and sign in with the Apple ID tied to the desired organization.
  5. Navigate to Settings > Device Management Settings
  6. Click Add MDM Server.
  7. Enter a Name for the MDM server in DEP, then click Next.
  8. Click Choose File... and upload the .pem public key downloaded in step 3, then click Next.
  9. Download the server token provided, then click Done.
  10. Back in Dashboard, click on the Choose File button in the DEP section.
  11. Select/upload the server token downloaded in step 9.
  12. Choose the default Systems Manager network where devices tied to this MDM server in DEP will be enrolled.
  13. Click Save Changes.

If you encounter an error uploading the server token to Dashboard, make sure that the file name ends in 'smime.p7m' without any trailing characters like '(1)' that may appear from downloading multiple copies of the file.

The last downloaded DEP token on the Apple portal is the only one that MDMs can sync with. You may see error 'Sync failed: Unable to connect to Apple's servers at this time.' or 'Sync failed. Please try again later.' in the event that the current token is unable to sync. The Apple portal shows the following warning if someone tries to download a token twice:

In this case, the token would need to be renewed again in order to continue syncing with Meraki Systems Manager.

Renewing a DEP Token

Apple DEP tokens last for one year by design. To continue enrolling via DEP:

  1. In your Meraki Dashboard navigate to Organization > MDM and click on the Apple DEP Server you want to renew. In the Edit DEP Server window press Update Token.
  2. Then, press download your public key cert to download the Meraki_Apple_DEP_cert.pem file.
  3. Log in to the Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager portal.
  4. Navigate to Settings > MDM Servers > Click on the MDM server to renew ('Meraki' in the screenshot below).
  5. Click on Edit and then click on Upload New...
  6. Upload the Meraki_Apple_DEP_cert.pem file and click Apply to save. Then press on Download Token to download the Meraki_Token_smime.p7m file.
  7. Now back in your Meraki Dashboard upload the Meraki_Token_smime.p7m file to Meraki to finish updating your DEP token.
    After this process is finished, the token is valid for another 365 days.

If the existing DEP token is cleared or the DEP server is deleted instead of renewing the token, all associated DEP settings profiles will be removed from the Systems Manager > DEP page and will have to be re-created manually.

Importing Devices

The following steps will help you import devices into your Apple DEP server and sync them into Systems Manager.

To import devices into your Apple DEP server via Apple Order Number or Serial Number:

  1. In Apple Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager, navigate to Devices > Device Assignments
  2. Choose Order Number, Serial Number, or Upload CSV file and provide the appropriate information.
  3. Choose the Assign to Server action and select the desired MDM server.
  4. Click Done.

Apple Configurator 2 For Windows

To sync the devices from your Apple DEP server into System Manager, there are two ways.

  1. Navigate to Systems Manager > Manage > DEP, this will cause a partial sync between System Manager and Apple DEP server.
  2. If devices are missing, you can try a full sync by clicking on the full sync button in the top right of the page.

Apple Configurator 2.7 Dmg Download

Note: To be eligible, devices must have been purchased directly from Apple within the last three years, or through participating resellers and carriers. This requirement will be changing with iOS 11, which will allow users to add iOS or iPadOS devices from any purchaser into DEP. For more information regarding this and supported countries, please refer to Apple's Device Enrollment Program page.

Applying Settings to Devices

DEP settings are applied during setup assistant, either upon setting up the device for the first time, or after a factory reset for devices already in use.

DEP Enrollment Status

There are 3 states for the 'DEP enrollment' status column. If you've just synced your devices from the DEP server into Systems Manager, they will be labeled 'Empty'.

  • Empty: The default state when devices are first synced from DEP into Systems Manager. This means that the device has no DEP settings assigned to them.
  • Assigned: This means new DEP settings have been assigned to the device, but not yet applied. Upon initial setup, or after a factory reset, the applied settings will take effect.
  • Pushed: This means the device has its DEP settings applied. You can see information on what settings were pushed, and when, on the other columns of the table.

NOTE: DEP Push status is only related to Device Enrollment status, and does not strictly determine it. This means that you may have devices which show their DEP payloads as 'Empty' which have already been enrolled (and therefore, have a valid link to their Device Details page in the Name column), and devices which show their DEP payloads as 'Pushed' but have yet to complete enrollment (most often because they stopped at the authentication step).

Assigning Settings

After devices have been assigned to Systems Manager via DEP, they will automatically be enrolled in the default Systems Manager network upon setup. Additional configurations such as supervising the device or skipping setup steps will further customize and streamline your deployment.

  1. Navigate to Systems Manager > Manage > DEP within the Systems Manager network.
  2. Click the checkbox next to any devices that require settings be applied.
  3. Click Assign settings.
  4. If you have existing setting presets, select them from the dropdown. Otherwise, complete the fields/selections that appear:
    • Name: A friendly name for the group of settings applied.
    • Support phone number: A number provided to users during setup if help is required.
    • Support email address: An email address provided to users during setup if help is required.
    • Department: Display the organization department the iPad is assigned to. This is displayed during setup.
    • Supervise: Supervise devices upon enrollment. This is now required for all DEP payloads.
    • Supervising host certificate: Devices are only allowed to pair with computers that have the matching keypair.
      • Note: If left unconfigured and no pairing restriction payload is assigned, the device will have the ability to pair with any computer.
    • Allow pairing: Devices can be paired with a computer. Note that if unchecked, devices will not be able to connect to applications like Xcode or iTunes on a computer, which will limit the ability to troubleshoot or restore the device, especially in cases where it will be locked into single app mode.
      • Note: In iOS 13+, this setting has been migrated to the Restrictions profile, and should be considered deprecated on DEP payloads.
    • Mandatory: Users are required to complete enrollment during setup, and cannot skip the step.
      • Note: In iOS 13+, all devices with assigned DEP settings must go through DEP enrollment setup
    • Removable: When checked, the management profile can be removed by the user. When unchecked, the management profile cannot be removed by the user. See here for more info.
    • Skip: Allows you to specify pages during the setup process to skip, e.g. hiding the prompt to set or sign into an Apple ID. These can be completed later if needed.
    • Shared iPad: Used for shared device deployments with Apple School Manager. Do not select this unless you have ASM provisioned with managed Apple IDs. See official Apple documentation here.
    • Await Configuration: If selected, the device will not continue in Setup Assistant until the device is configured.
      • Note: Currently, this setting is only scoped to the device receiving the 'Maximum Users' payload.
    • Maximum Users: The maximum number of users that can use a Shared iPad
  1. Click Assign # device(s). You should see the 'DEP enrollment' status update to 'Assigned'.
  2. In most cases, the device(s) should be factory reset at this point. This is required to ensure the device is activated and configured with DEP settings.
    1. On a Mac, restart in Recovery Mode and reinstall the operating system. On an iOS or iPadOS device, navigate to Settings > General > Reset, then tap Erase All Content and Settings.
    2. Confirm by tapping Erase.
    3. In some cases, this may be required for brand-new device as well, if Apple doesn't correctly push the DEP settings during the initial activation process.

Please choose Set Up as New Device,or skip the 'Restore from Backup' option entirely when assigning the DEP settings. Apple does not recommend restoring from iCloud, iTunes, or Migration Assistance backups if the supervision state of the device is changing. iCloud can be signed into after device setup to sync settings. Apple information related to this can be found here.

To apply configuration profiles and settings to devices, the appropriate tags will need to be applied. These can be configured in advance so that once a device enrolls, the tags configured below are automatically applied. Profiles and apps tied to those tags will then be automatically installed upon enrollment for a seamless experience.

  1. Navigate to Systems Manager > Manage > DEP .
  2. Click the checkbox next to any devices the tag must be applied to.
  3. Click Tag.
  4. Within the Add box, type the tag that should be applied to the device(s). If it is an existing tag, select it from the list. Otherwise, click Add option create a new tag. Tags must not contain spaces.
  5. Click Add to apply the tag(s).

Removing Settings from Devices

In the event a device needs to be reset and managed under different conditions, the settings applied via DEP can be removed.

  1. Navigate to Systems Manager > Manage > DEP.
  2. Click the checkbox next to the device(s) in question.
  3. Click Remove settings.

To overwrite existing settings, follow the previous steps for applying settings. Note that the newly assigned settings will not apply until the device has been factory reset.

If tags were applied to a device prior to enrollment, they can also be removed to prevent profiles and apps from associating.

  1. Navigate to Systems Manager > Manage > DEP.
  2. Click the checkbox next to the device(s) in question.
  3. Click Tag.
  4. In the Remove box, select any tags that should be removed from the device.
  5. Click Remove.

Show/Hide Settings

To hide unused DEP settings presets from being displayed when applying settings, hit the 'Show/Hide settings' option and uncheck the settings you wish to hide.

Recovering DEP Devices

If a DEP-enrolled device is removed from Systems Manager, it will not automatically reappear without taking additional steps to sync Dashboard with Apple DEP.
For specific instructions on DEP device recovery, please refer to our documentation for more info.

Clearing Apple DEP Token

There are some instances where a DEP token needs to be removed to resolve an issue, or to use a different MDM server on the Apple side. To do this, navigate to the Organization > MDM page. Under Apple Device Enrollment Program, click the Clear Server Token button. This will remove the existing token and allow a new one to be uploaded.

Note: Once the DEP token has been cleared, the client drop-down menu under Systems Manager > Manage > DEP with existing DEP settings will be cleared.


It is important to note that any devices that need to be associated with the organization in Dashboard must also be assigned to the new MDM server within Apple's DEP portal. So if the MDM server is changing, the devices should also be reassigned. Avoid doing this if possible when there are a large number of devices already assigned with settings, as clearing the DEP token will purge these assigned settings in the cloud (but not on devices themselves). It is also recommended that a list of assigned devices be exported to a spreadsheet, within the Apple site, to aid in the reassignment process.

Upgrade auf OS X El Capitan - Apple Suppor

Du kannst auf jedem der folgenden Mac-Modelle ein Upgrade von OS X Snow Leopard oder neuer auf OS X El Capitan durchführen. Der Mac benötigt außerdem mindestens 2 GB Arbeitsspeicher und 8,8 GB verfügbaren Speicherplatz.. MacBook von 2009 oder neuer und MacBook (13, Aluminium, Ende 2008) MacBook Air von Ende 2008 oder neuer MacBook Pro von Mitte 2007 oder neue Download OS X El Capitan For the strongest security and latest features, find out whether you can upgrade to macOS Catalina , the latest version of macOS. If you still need OS X El Capitan, use this link: Download OS X El Capitan I used to have in my previously purchased tab Apple Configurator 1 but this old version is not compatible as well with EL Capitan either. I have bought a Sever, but I don't want to use it just for a few configuration profiles I want to test. Greetings, Martin. More Less. MacBook Pro, OS X El Capitan (10.11.6) Posted on Apr 9, 2017 11:22 PM. Reply I have this question too (432) I have this. Then, on that user's computer running 10.13, log in to the App Store and click on Configuration 2 (as it will show up), and you'll be offered to download the last compatible version for your OS. I just did this to get Configurator 2.7.1 installed on my Mac running 10.13.6

Apple Configurator 2 erleichtert die Bereitstellung von iPad-, iPhone-, iPod touch- und Apple TV-Geräten in deiner Organisation. Geräte mit Apple Configurator konfigurieren Mit Apple Configurator kannst du in kurzer Zeit mehrere Geräte mit den Einstellungen, Apps und Daten konfigurieren, die du für deine Schüler, Mitarbeiter oder Kunden festgelegt hast Question: Q: Apple configurator 2 & El Capitan. I know that Apple Configurator 2 and El Capitan are due to release today but I do not see updates or downloads for these. Does anyone have any ideas what time today the release is supposed to be pushed? More Less. MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.5) Posted on Sep 30, 2015 10:57 AM. Reply I have this question too (8) I have this question too Me. Apple Configurator makes it easy to deploy iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and Apple TV devices in your school or business. Use Apple Configurator to quickly configure large numbers of devices connected to your Mac via USB with the settings, apps, and data you specify for your students, employees, or customers. Rebuilt from the ground up, Apple Configurator features a flexible, device-centric design.

How to upgrade to OS X El Capitan - Apple Suppor

# Update: OS X El Capitan is no longer the latest version of OS X / macOS available on the App Store. If you want to upgrade to the latest version, you can follow our dedicated article on how to upgrade from OS X to macOS Sierra via direct download. If you are on an earlier version of OS X, you can download and install El Capitan from directly. Apple Configurator 2 makes it easy to deploy iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and Apple TV devices in your institution. Use Apple Configurator to configure your devices You can use Apple Configurator to quickly configure large numbers of devices with the settings, apps, and data you specify for your students, employees, or customers OS X 10.11 El Capitan Deutsch - Kostenloser Download für macOS. Hinweis! Windows-Downloads gibt es als 32 Bit- und 64 Bit-Version. Hier zeigen wir euch, wie sich die Systeme unterscheiden und. Apple Configurator 2.11.1 Deutsch: Der Apple Configurator für macOS erlaubt es bis zu 30 mobile iOS-Geräte auf einmal zu konfigurieren. So können Sie mehrere Geräte gleichzeitig updaten.

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Video: Apple Configurator: Where to download older versions

Apple Configurator - Offizieller Apple Suppor

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Apple configurator 2 & El Capitan - Apple Communit

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Apple Configurator for Mac

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Video: Apple Configurator - Official Apple Suppor

OS X 10.11 El Capitan - Download NETZWEL

Browse and download thousands of apps for your Mac — from your Mac. Shop for apps by category, read user reviews, and buy apps in one simple step. Learn more about the Mac App Store. Learn how to submit apps. iTunes is the easiest way to organize and enjoy the music, movies, TV shows, apps, and books you already have — and shop for the ones you want to get. You can even listen to free. @katemor Its not true that App Store no longer has El Capitan as download. It does not have it as download, if your Apple-ID has never registered a machine with El Capitan. Otherwise they are still there. And your link points to a place, which charges $20 for Apple software. Not quite legal.. It makes your Mac work like magic with your iPhone and other Apple devices. And it's been built from the ground up with privacy and security in mind. macOS Catalina is here. See what's new. Featuring all-new, dedicated apps for music, TV, and podcasts. Smart new features in the apps you use every day. And Sidecar, which lets you use iPad as a second Mac display. Learn more. Upgrade now. MacOS El Capitan 10.11は、2019年8月現在、MacOSの最新バージョンではありません。ですが、 Apple社はMacOS El Capitan 10.11を現在でもApp Storeからダウンロード・インストールできるようにしています� Mit Boot Camp kann man bekanntlich aus seinem Mac (auch) eine Windows-Maschine machen. Unter OS X 10.11 El Capitan erleichtert Apple die Installation des Microsoft-Betriebssystems für den Dual.

  • OS X El Capitan is available to all Mac users running OS X 10.6.8 or newer as a free download. Upgrading to OS X El Capitan is a straightforward process for devices that meet the technical.
  • PARTE 1 download di OS X El Capitan. Da qualche anno (con Mavericks) è possibile il download gratuito del sistema operativo di casa Apple. L'unico requisito è, come suddetto, avere un sistema Mac. Non dovete far altro che aprire il Mac App Store, fare il log-in con il vostro Apple ID (createne uno se non l'avete) e scaricare OS X El Capitan (che verrà scaricato in /Applicazioni). PARTE.
  • I show where you can download a fully functional El Capitan disk image. This image has the recovery drive included and Pike R. Alpha's boot.efi pre-installed. Both the El Capitan and recovery.
  • OS X 10.11 Baixar. O OS X 10.11 Download é o décimo segundo lançamento importante para o sistema operacional Macintosh, que é o download do El Capitan. Esta é a versão 10.11 para o MacOS e é o último membro da família OS X. A Apple adicionou novos recursos, melhorias e correções de bugs nesta versão do MacOS

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Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11 ISO and DMG Download Free. So, finally we are here. In the section that you've all been waiting for. So, let's not waste any more time and just dive straight into the pool of Mac OS X El Capitan ISO and DMG download files that you've been waiting for. Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan ISO: [Click to Download Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11 DMG Install and Download . Upgrade install-Follow to below steps-Visit the Mac App Store. Locate the OS X El Capitan Page. Click the Download button. Follow the simple instructions to ; complete the upgrade. For users without broadband access, the upgrade is available at the local Apple store. Clean install

Download Safari 10.1.2 (ElCapitan) for Mac from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure Fastest web browser for Mac from Apple It is now possible and remarkably easy to use OS X El Capitan on VMware following Apple's live changing move geared towards improving its OS X software for the desktop operating system. Mac OS El Captain was publicly launched on Wednesday the 30th of September last year. This tutorial provides a clear and systematic guideline with respect to downloading and installing Mac OS X El Capitan on.

After all, OS X 10.12 will be released to the general public for download later this year, which means El Capitan still has a long way to go before Apple buries it in the background. It's being. Open /Downloads/ EL Capitan Install Tools/Clover Configurator. The next steps configure the system definition, configure graphics, provide the system with a unique serial number, and change the Audio ID to 3 ready for the HDMI Audio Fix How to find El Capitan on the App Store now that it is hidden by Apple Mac OS X 10.11 - Duration: 4:02. Gemsbok Apple Tips and Tricks 5,729 view

Es gibt sowohl für High Sierra als auch für Sierra und macOS Mojave (und sogar für El Capitan) eine aktuelle Supportseite im Netz, auf der jeweils ein Download-Link oder ein App-Store-Link für. How to install OS X El Capitan hackintosh on your PC: Step 1: Get a copy of Apple's OS X El Capitan from the Mac App Store. Launch the Mac App Store on the Mac and download OS X El Capitan using your Apple ID. Don't worry about cost, it's free: Download OS X El Capitan 10.11 Final Version For Your Mac Free Right Now Download Safari 10.1.2 (El Capitan) for Mac from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure Fastest web browser for Mac from Apple (5.79 GB) Choose free or premium download FREE REGISTERED PREMIU Apple Configurator (Mac) Mit Apple Configurator überblicken Sie die Einstellungen von bis zu 30 verschiedenen iOS-Geräten. Das Tool unterstützt die Modelle iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch und.

OS X El Capitan herunterladen - Macwel

UniBeast: Install OS X El Capitan on Any Supported Intel-based PC Thread starter Log in with your Apple ID 3. Download OS X El Capitan The Application Install OS X El Capitan will appear in /Applications. STEP 2: Create a Bootable USB Drive with UniBeast Take a deep breath and take your time- this is pretty simple, but it's easy to miss things if you rush. Follow each step to the letter. 1. Mac OS X El Capitan can be downloaded directly from the Apple website. The Beta version of the OS is available but the final version will be made available towards the Autumn season of 2015 as speculated by many Apple users. You can use your older Mac OS with the new El Capitan, all you have to do is to create a different partition for the new El Capitan if you have the Yosemite already. Mac OS X El Capitan est la dernière version du système d'exploitation d'Apple. Pour cette nouvelle mouture de l'OS des Mac, Apple a travaillé à l'am.. 10.11 EL Capitanしか、ダウンロードはできなくなっていました。 そこで10.11をインストールしたところ、今度はApple Cofiguratorの最新版である1.7.2は Mac OS 10.10にしかインストールできないことが発覚�

Apple Mac OS X El Capitan Download 10

Nachdem Apple Anfang der Woche die zweite Beta von iOS 9.2.1 veröffentlicht hatte, folgte soeben der Download einer neuen El Capitan-Beta.. OS X El Capitan 10.11.3 Beta 2 kann ab sofort von. Trucje om OS X El Capitan opnieuw te downloaden. Mocht je om welke reden dan ook OS X El Capitan opnieuw willen downloaden of heb je deze nog niet in je aankopen zitten dan kun je deze nu via een trucje opnieuw downloaden. • Open deze Apple Support pagina • Klik op 'El Capitan downloaden in de App Store Apple OS X El Capitan, the latest version of the Mac operating system, builds on the groundbreaking features and beautiful design introduced in OS X Yosemite, refining the experience and improving performance in lots of ways that you'll enjoy everyday.El Capitan introduces enhancements to window management, built-in apps and Spotlight search, and makes everyday activities - from launching. El Capitan, vollständig OS X El Capitan 10.11, ist die zwölfte Hauptversion von macOS, dem Desktop-Betriebssystem von Apple.Es ist der Nachfolger von OS X Yosemite und wurde am 30. September 2015 veröffentlicht. Benannt ist es nach dem Monolithen El Capitan im Yosemite-Nationalpark.. Am 20. September 2016 wurde der Nachfolger macOS Sierra veröffentlicht Apple announced OS X ElCapitanDownload links for all supported Macs. Apple introduced a new version of its desktop operating system, OS X, code-named OS X ElCapitan (OS 10.11 version). Apple engineers focused on performance and interface of the new OS X, which is confirmed by its few innovations. Apple customizable Spotlight and Safari - for example, enough to drown out or play the audio by.

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If it's OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion that you need you can buy it for £19.99 here US or here UK As with Lion, Apple will send you a download code to use on the Mac App Store, so you will need to be. macOS Mojave 10.14.6 Deutsch: Das neueste Apple-Betriebssystem macOS Mojave 10.14.5 viele Verbesserungen mit und stellt eine Weiterentwicklung von macOS Sierra dar What you to do is just download the dmg file for el capitan 10.11 and convert the file to a iso file on el capitan. This is a better and a fabulous solution which is available for the both competitive operating systems the windows operating system and the apple os x A bootable installer for macOS El Capitan is a good idea even if your plan is to perform an upgrade install. Having your own copy of El Capitan on a separate device ensures that you'll always be able to install or reinstall it.It also helps in performing basic troubleshooting tasks, even if you have no connection to the internet or access to the Mac App Store

Erlebe die Welt des Mac. Sieh dir MacBook Pro, iMac Pro, MacBook Air, iMac und mehr an. Infos, Einkaufen und Support auf der Apple Website How to enroll iOS devices using Apple Configurator? Prerequisites for enrollment: To use Apple Configurator, ensure your Mac is running on 10.7 or later versions of operating systems. It is recommended to update your iTunes before installing the Apple Configurator Utility. Apple Configurator can be used only for devices running iOS 6 or later versions. If any device with lower versions is used. Con el Mac App Store es sencillísimo encontrar y descargar aplicaciones para el Mac, widgets e incluso extensiones, como las de edición para la nueva app Fotos. Puedes explorarlas por categoría —juegos, productividad, música, etc.— o buscar directamente una en concreto. Lee las descripciones y las reseñas de otros usuarios, y échale un ojo a las capturas de pantalla. Cuando.